There’s been much talk this week about evaluation in public relations and communication management and, for me, the most surprising part of the conversation has been the consideration that evaluation is something new, the beginning of a step change in the approach to this essential part of our work.
Surprising because research, measurement and evaluation has always been a crucial part of what we do and I’m always flabbergasted when I realise a lot of people either don’t do it or don’t know where to start. Yes, for many years people got bogged down counting media clippings, hits on websites and stuff they sent out as well as other made-up measurements that were either vanity metrics or conjured from thin air in a bid to hint at success.
Sadly, organisations still fall for this – mainly because they’re not told or taught otherwise by those who are supposed to be their professional advisors.Much of the problem is caused by a lack of understanding as to what we do – and I think it’s probably time I wrote another post on the purpose and functions of PR – but for now here’s a quick refresher on the process of public relations research, measurement and evaluation.
First up – what is your organisation hoping to achieve? What is your outcome? The end game, the place you want to get to? And, most importantly from a PR perspective, who do you need with you? Who are the people who hold your licence to operate (the permission you are given as an organisation to do the things you do) and what how healthy are your relationships? So, stage one – understand your organisational outcomes, identify your licence holders and stakeholder communities.Next – research. Who are you, where are you, what do you do, who do you help – either with your product, service or specialism – why do you do it (purpose and values) and who doesn’t want you to do it?
How’s your reputation? What are the risks and issues? Trends and tendencies? What does your data tell you? When was the last time anyone looked? Research the socks off your position, your area of operation (be that public or private sector) and find out all you can. In your formative research stage, benchmark your critical relationships – measure existing relationship components and find out how things are. This will inform your strategy, confirm your outcomes are sound – or need adjusting – and help you ascertain when you set your public relations outcomes whether you are heading in the right direction.
Third – set your public relations outcomes. These support your organisation’s outcomes and will focus on the relationship and its components of trust, mutuality, satisfaction, commitment, loyalty, as identified by Grunig and Hon in 1999. I also add understanding and reputation as both are essential in initiating and developing sound relationships. Other outcomes (that organisations often find easier to understand) are behaviour, knowledge and attitude. As part of your formative research, identify where you sit on the scale – for example, we need to improve trust and satisfaction from X to Y, shift attitudes from A to B, change behaviours from E to F. Once you know what you are hoping to do you can then develop a strategy to get you there, and, in doing so, set your measurable objectives (step four) which will inform your communications planning, act as signposts on the journey (are we on the right track or do we need to take a detour) and, collectively, the measures will help to inform your evaluation.
Don’t fall into the trap of using measurement and evaluation interchangeably – a measurement is a unit and an evaluation an assessment. For example, I have a piece of string that is a metre long. Great – that’s my unit of measurement. The evaluation is an assessment – did the string work as a shoelace? Should it have been shorter or longer? Did it keep my shoe secure so I could run the marathon? Or should I have used actual shoelaces instead of string? What have I learned from this and how will this learning help me manage future marathons?Then comes the implementation of your programme or campaign and with it, constant listening, monitoring actions, measuring interactions with your stakeholder groups against the measures of success you’ve identified within your objectives.
Oh yes – it’s not about mainstream media monitoring either. That might form part of your work to improve/build/sustain relationships, improve knowledge, behaviours and attitudes but that’s only part of the story – and one small part. Public relations is not mainstream media relations so don’t rely on that as a measure of your worth. There is also no such thing as ‘the general public’ or ‘creating awareness’. You have to be specific.
Public relations builds and sustains the relationships necessary to maintain an organisation’s licence to operate – that’s what you are working towards and that’s what you need to measure and evaluate.Once your programme is complete – and adjusted along the way thanks to your marvellous listening, monitoring and measurement – its time for your evaluation, which includes a repeat of the formative research and measurement of the relationship components so you can discover whether you’ve achieved your outcomes – that your organisation has, for example, improved trust and loyalty among employees and that knowledge of the organisation has increased to the point where behaviours and attitudes have begun to change.
You can find the detailed ‘how to’ in our research, measurement and evaluation course and there’s a video here that breaks this down a little more for you. In the meantime, remember – it is absolutely possible to measure public relations and its value and impact for the organisation (of any type) undertaking the activity. All public relations work should be supporting the outcomes of the organisation and acting as a guide/change agent for behaviour, inside and outside the organisation. Don’t ‘settle’ for nonsense measures, counting clips, hits, retweets and likes – they prove nothing other than you turned up for work and sent some stuff out. Look deeper, ask the questions, do the mahi and evaluate the results.