Healthy leadership in action

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Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending an evening with Dr Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand’s Director General of Health who has led the response to COVID-19.

He is an exceptional public servant, full of compassion and humility and, to be frank, we are very lucky to have him. The evening was organised by the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand and the topic in hand was, of course, the communications response to COVID-19 which has also been exceptional. 

Many aspects of the response were covered during the course of the evening, including his embarrassment at becoming something of a celebrity here, but the remarks he made around leadership were the ones that have stayed with me. He was asked if he had experienced any moments of self-doubt, particularly when it came to making the call to send New Zealand to Alert Level Four, our ‘lockdown’ level, earlier in the year. After a moment’s pause he said that yes, of course there were moments when he questioned the actions and potential actions that were to be recommended but that was a necessary part of leadership because it makes you a leader who listens, who collaborates and who works on consensus. He went on to say that leaders who don’t listen and don’t question the circumstances in which they find themselves are potentially dangerous as they will continue a course of action regardless of its consequences. 

Dr Bloomfield unfailingly describes himself as a ‘public servant’, an echo of more traditional times perhaps, pre-dating the notion of the leader as celebrity. I’ve always held the view that leadership is entirely about service, inclusion and equity. New Zealand has been one of several places in the world this year to have been fortunate to have leaders – both elected and appointed – who listen. My hope for 2021 is that all countries are able to call on the many people in their midst who are true leaders, who embody the notion of service rather than personal power, and who are genuinely concerned with the health and welfare of their people.

In the meantime, thank you Dr Bloomfield – and every single person in your team of health professionals, communicators, leaders and guides.