Why ‘the public’ doesn’t exist

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There’s a lot of talk about storytelling, behaviour change, social purpose and what organisations are doing to connect with their ‘target audiences’. Some of the solutions are quite grand, some extraordinarily expensive and some seemingly simple – but none of them are really solutions as they forget to address the most important aspect of any activity – who is it for and why?

Often the activities in questions are actually undertaken for the organisation itself so it can tick the box that says ‘we communicated’ but just sending stuff out doesn’t mean communication has taken place – it means you have sent stuff out.

Before you pick up a pen, start a plan, devise a strategy you have to know the who and why of what you are doing. There is no such thing as ‘the public’ and personally, I believe the description of people as ‘target audiences’ is something that should be consigned to mid-20th century history as a relic from the advertising industry. If you doubt the assertion that ‘the public’ doesn’t exist, take a moment and consider how many different groups of people your organisation interacts with on a daily basis. Are they all the same? No. Do they all hold the same beliefs and interests? No. Do they all interact with you for the same reasons? No. So why would you expect the same story, told in the same way in the one place to engage with them all? You have to break it down and really understand the people who hold your organisation’s licence to operate then you can start to plan, share stories, develop connections because there will be real people involved – not just organisational assumption and bias.We tell stories for people, not at them and there’s a significant difference between ‘communicating to’ and ‘speaking with’ – one approach imposes information on a group while the other seeks to engage.​ My mid-winter tip is to warm up your understanding of the people your organisation serves. Undertake regular community audits, build personas, ask for their views. There are many tools out there that make this critically important process much easier than it used to be so explore and play – it will be time very well spent.