Think beyond the horizon

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New dawns always brim with hope – the dawn in the picture is from the start of the year when we decided to take a sunrise stroll on the beach. Hope is the magic ingredient that keeps us afloat in the stormy months we’ve navigated and the stormy months ahead and, although this time of year is generally awash with predictions of what’s to come, I thought I’d spend a moment reflecting on how we need to equip ourselves to face the next dawn rather than ruminate on what might be.

There’s no magical transition point as the year turns. No moment when all becomes well or difficulties are suddenly resolved. It is, after all, simply a date. But dates give us horizons, give us something to hope for and look towards which is why 2021 has been greeted with relish by so many. We have to remember though that many people around the world count things differently, have different dates of hope so the horizons shift and change, depending on your situation and your perspective.

In the US, for example, many had hoped that the transition to a new year would have seen a shift in focus from November’s election to the pandemic that has cut a swath through the lives of so many, reaping havoc and death with little support from those ostensibly in charge. A similar picture can be seen in the UK, struggling under a new strain but also bowed down by the incompetence of its leadership. It doesn’t take a fortune teller to divine that life is going to be very hard in the year ahead so what – as professionals charged with making sense of situations for the communities we serve – can we do? What do we need to do in order to smooth the path ahead?

Here’s five ways we can think beyond the horizon and help others move forward in 2021.

Change position

It’s very easy to get comfortable, to view the world around us in the same way but we have to remember that change is constant. The pace of change increases during a crisis and a global crisis such as COVID19 sees even greater acceleration and, although humans forget that change is constant, this acceleration is often too much for them to cope with. You might enjoy being a passenger in a car but when the driver takes the speed way beyond the agreed limit, comfort is removed. We can’t go into 2021 as we have gone into the years that preceded it and, in writing that, I am mindful that for millions around the world, new year horizons over many decades have been mired in violence, disruption, disease and disadvantage, so the ‘entering a new year as never before’ is perhaps applicable to the ‘richer’ nations that have enjoyed the privilege of reasonable social stability until now.

As relationship builders and communicators we have to change our position, change our minds and change our behaviours. We have to understand what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes – indeed we need to know what it is like to walk with no shoes. We must develop a deep understanding as to the position of others in relation to our organisations and society. We won’t be able to help others navigate what’s ahead if we are always looking inside out – we must start looking outside in and determine the connection and relationships points we need to build or improve in order to fulfil whatever purpose is before us. So get out there – do some experiential research. Really get to know and understand your stakeholders and communities. Burst your own bubble (metaphorically if you are sheltering at home) and reach out to others. Be uncomfortable, share their discomfort, then devise strategies to help you coexist and provide comfort.

Think differently

Changing position helps us to think differently. Ever been ‘stuck’ writing something or figuring out a thorny problem then gone for a walk that’s triggered a eureka moment? If we stay in the same spot, we’ll think the same things, stagnate and, ultimately, find ourselves bogged down, unable to move forward. Old thinking isn’t going to fix today’s problems. Old economic, political and societal models are not going to be appropriate or relevant in the years ahead – so think differently. Devise new ways forward.

Communicate openly

If we’ve changed position and gathered our thoughts we need to share them with others to turn them from ideas into realities that will benefit those around us. In sharing our thoughts and ideas we need to move away from the long-held communication structures that equate information with power and shift into open communication that is clear, authentic and trustworthy. We must develop communication processes that value listening before speaking, discussion rather than instruction, collaboration rather than conflict. If we continue with the ‘speak, instruct, conflict’ model of authoritarian communication that has become so prevalent in recent years we will be on the road to nowhere, the horizon increasingly obscured. Our job – and it is an urgent job – is to help our organisations change their approach and show them how to communicate openly.

Be constantly curious

Two great ways to learn fast are making mistakes and asking great questions. It is inevitable that we will all make huge mistakes in the year ahead and my hope for you is that your mistakes are manageable ones. By thinking first – and I’ve always said the thinking we do takes the most time – the mistakes should be minimal, so think well and think beyond the now. Committing yourself to learning is to be constantly curious. It means asking the seemingly obvious question, asking the hard questions and asking the questions that will increase your knowledge and develop your understanding. There is always something new to learn and when we are exploring uncharted territory we will inevitably encounter things we don’t know or have not experienced before – so be prepared to learn, learn fast and learn something new every day for the rest of your life.

Be courageous 

I’ve been asked many times what is the most important characteristic or capability for a public relations or communications professional and my answer is always the same – courage. Having the courage to ask the hard questions, take a different position, think creatively and learn from mistakes is essential if we are to do our jobs ethically and well. In our world of constant change, the need for courage is a constant. It takes courage to challenge your boss over bad practice when you know that doing so could mean no job at all but it’s got to be done, especially if the resulting change reduces inequity and restores trust. Bravery confronts danger without fear – courage confronts danger despite the fear.

There’s a final thought for you before I end – take heart, stay hopeful and act with compassion. There’s much difficulty and danger to be confronted in the world but there is also much goodness and generosity. We’ve seen it in the selfless work of medical staff and carers around the world, we’ve seen it in the support people have given to each other, be that physical support with food or simply a long phone call to listen to their fears. As you confront the challenges, remember to draw strength from that goodness and look boldly towards and beyond the horizon.